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A note on “doing what I say I am going to do”

Dear readers:  “I’ll continue tomorrow”, I said in my previous post.
If I am making this statement for readers, and there are no people who gave a visible sign or reply, then, as a consequence of that, I don’t consider myself compromised in a literal sense of the word. Upon no visible signs, the urgency of compromise changed, and then, I considered myself compromised to the inner sense of “tomorrow” and not to its outer physical sense.

Царство Небесное Первая половина XIX в. Госуда...

Царство Небесное Первая половина XIX в. Государственный музей истории религии, Санкт-Петербург (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Then, the following day may bring me to other actions as the way to give continuation to the inner essence of the aim with which I am really compromised, which is to spread the marvels and possibilities of getting to realise God’s Kingdom on earth as on heaven, thanks to the help of ES’s revelation. I may do first other things which are directly related to people, readers, and needs, as they are manifesting.
I want to improve on this, though. :) Maybe it’s better (for myself also!) then, to say ASAP. But it’s not so simple. Because I want to move towards a sustainable rhythm. A compromise, with people.
If I have a compromise in a school and I’m falling its courses, I got to follow the schedule I compromised with. Simple (I hope this comes!).
But my situation here is of seeking and trying out. Meanwhile I’m doing and learning to deal with many (strange) things.
Strange phenomena around me, just pushes me in other directions, often. I’m trying to find the way therein, as what I consider my path is not to make the path alone. Only alone by force.
If this sounds too confusing or confused for some, my excuses. My intention and aim is really the simplicity of Jesus’s teachings.
Just like in ES’s writings, people complain of its complexity and length… maybe the way to simplicity is through complexity !

On a more play full note: damn, no reactions? then who cares ! :) I said it before: I LOVE reactions. I’m human :) I love people. I’m doing all this from God for people. I’m finding the way.

On a human level, it’s yet very lonely out here. But I do not wish to let my personal situation hinder the work. The work is the important. The rest will come of it’s own accord. I know this. I got to do the work first :). Compensation will come afterwards.
It is just that some of us, didn’t get the love everybody needs, you see.

I read yesterday that in Belgium it is allowed to adopt adults :) What a wonderful idea. It would make SO MUCH SENSE, in my case.

2 Comentários

  1. Lee disse:

    I would suggest, if possible, just setting up a schedule–flexible if need be–on which you make your posts, and then either do it or don’t do it. In the end, it’s what you do, not what you say, that will matter. You can also go back and edit out the reference to “doing something tomorrow.” ;-)

    These are lonely fields of labor. If we talked about more popular, material issues, we’d have many more people following and commenting. But we are leading people where not so many want to go. If we don’t love the work for its own sake, we shouldn’t be doing it. When my father as a young man was considering going into the ministry, one of the best pieces of advice he got was: “Don’t do it! . . . Unless you just can’t help yourself.”

    • Madrepérola disse:

      Thank you Lee ,
      for your comment and advise :)
      I’ll take your suggestion of having a schedule.
      Maybe I try two or three possibilities before I settle.
      (There are many things happening in my life)

      I LOVE doing it….
      Yet, I HAVE SO MUCH to learn !
      This will be a lot about me walking the path, while I get ready to walk it.
      And a very special path for me…
      Thank YOU SO MUCH for caring.
      You can not imagine the divine manifestation in my dreams when I did it !!! :)

      You say
      “we are leading people where not so many want to go.”
      And that’s what bugs me. Because the world is starving for spiritual truth, transformation, enlightenment, and paths to it.

      So, as I see it, there must be ways to transmit, by which those will be met in their seeking and heart desire.

      I have a lot to change until I am really ready or able of that. That’s why I say this is also my playground…

      God bless

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